From Tim Alexander <[email protected]>
Subject Donald Trump just told his staff to break the law.
Date October 8, 2021 4:15 PM
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Tim Alexander For Congress [[link removed]]

John – I am furious.

Congress courageously launched a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6th attack – and Donald Trump’s role in inciting the riot.

But just moments ago, Donald Trump instructed his top advisors, including Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Steve Bannon, to DEFY the subpoenas.

As a former law enforcement officer, it was incredibly difficult to watch the footage of my brothers and sisters in blue being spat on, beaten, maced, and threatened with violence and death as they defended our Capitol.

But Donald Trump and loyalists like Jeff Van Drew care more about hiding the truth than preventing another attack. The fact is Jeff Van Drew had so many chances to do the right thing. Instead, he voted against the Jan. 6th bipartisan commission. He voted against holding Trump accountable. And he is SILENT on other Trump loyalists breaking the law.

South Jerseyans want leaders who stand up for the American people, not cowards who put party over country. I need 100 grassroots donors who are sick and tired of this nonsense to join me TODAY and chip in $24.12 to defeat Jeff Van Drew >>> [[link removed]]

The horrific Capitol attack proved how fragile our democracy is — and it left millions of Americans afraid of what will happen if we don’t take the necessary steps to prevent more chaos and violence.

But Jeff Van Drew has refused to hold his party accountable. He’s in it for himself, and I am disgusted.

We need to show Jeff Van Drew and Donald Trump that we won’t stand for their extremism any longer. John, our average campaign contribution is $24.12. Can I count on your donation to help me defeat Jeff Van Drew and give our community REAL representation in Congress? >>> [[link removed]]

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Tim Alexander

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Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>> [[link removed]]

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Paid for by Tim Alexander for Congress
Tim Alexander for Congress
Post Office Box 818
Oceanville, NJ 08231
United States
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