I represent one of the most closely contested congressional districts in the country. Donald Trump won my Pennsylvania district -- twice.

But my constituents in Northeastern Pennsylvania have also sent me, a proud and vocal progressive, to Congress five times since 2012. The voters in my district know that when I cast a vote, I’m voting for their interests -- not the whims and desires of billionaires and big corporations.

Right now, Congress is working to pass the Build Back Better agenda --- policies that would strengthen the backbone of America’s economy, and make sure all working people have the chance to share in its success.

This agenda -- which President Biden ran on -- creates millions of good-paying jobs, gives children access to quality early education, lowers prescription drug costs, and expands Medicare to cover vision, hearing, and dental care for seniors.

It invests in child care so parents can go to work and in twenty-first century workforce development. Major investments in roads, bridges, trains, and our schools will drive good-paying job growth and make us more competitive with every other country in the world.

And it pays for this by finally asking billionaires and corporations to pay their fair share.

We need to keep our promise to voters and pass the full Build Back Better agenda. Click here if you agree that going bold is good policy and good politics for Democrats.

Pundits who claim that Build Back Better is somehow bad for members in swing seats have it backwards. The danger lies in not fulfilling our promises -- in abandoning our vision of an inclusive economy where all families can get ahead.

The historic Build Back Better agenda that will give working people and their kids a better chance at a good middle-class life.

Failure is not an option. We need to go bold and show the American people that we have their backs. We need to pass the Build Back Better agenda.

Thank you for being a bold progressive.

Congressman Matt Cartwright (PA-8, @CartwrightPA)

Want to see Matt Cartwright re-elected in this swing district? Donate here today.






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