From Tina Smith <[email protected]>
Subject PETITION: Protect reproductive freedom
Date October 8, 2021 2:42 PM
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A federal judge has temporarily blocked the Texas abortion ban after the Biden Administration’s legal challenge.

This is a huge victory in the fight for reproductive rights, and it wouldn’t have been possible without millions of Americans turning out to vote President Biden into office last fall.

Last month, following the Supreme Court's unconscionable decision to uphold the Texas abortion ban, I reached out urging you to sign my petition calling on the House to pass the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA).

Many of you did, and House Democrats passed the WHPA with overwhelming support in a historic step forward in the fight for reproductive rights.

Even as Mitch McConnell blocks legislative action with the filibuster, the Biden Administration’s successful legal challenge of the Texas abortion ban will provide immediate relief to Texas women seeking abortions. The Senate must take up and vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act .

Add your name to my petition calling on the Senate to bring the Women’s Health Protection Act to the floor for a vote. We don’t have the votes to abolish the filibuster and pass this bill, but we can put Senate Republicans on the record so voters know where they stand before the midterms. [[link removed]]

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Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell successfully appointed three right-wing justices to the Court — including Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who was appointed during a presidential election in which millions of Americans had already voted, against the final wish of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

Trump and McConnell broke with precedent and sought to radically alter the Court’s composition for decades to come — from McConnell’s refusal to have a hearing for Merrick Garland to appointing a conservative justice in a presidential election that was already underway.

Republican-controlled state legislatures are taking full advantage and passing anti-abortion restrictions, confident the Court will rule in their favor — and while the administration’s challenge of the Texas ban was successful, it wasn’t permanent.

With McConnell abusing the filibuster every chance he gets, Senate Democrats are essentially powerless to respond. It’s why I’m in full support of abolishing the filibuster and expanding the Supreme Court — it’s the only way to restore balance to a Congress and Judiciary that McConnell has abused for years.

Right now, we need to carry the House’s momentum forward and bring the Women’s Health Protection Act to the Senate floor for a vote so every Senate Republican is on the record. It’s absolutely shameful Mitch McConnell won’t allow meaningful debate while providing political cover for state Republicans to trample reproductive rights.

Add your name and demand the Senate vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act. We can't let McConnell and Senate Republicans hide behind the filibuster when Republican state lawmakers are frantically passing laws to restrict reproductive freedom. [[link removed]]

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Thank you for making your voice heard on this issue.

— Tina

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