TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
NoVA Labor Member-to-Member Lit Drop Walk: Sat, October 9, 9am – 1pm Guest Speakers: candidates Hala Ayala, Dan Helmer, Jennifer Carroll Foy. Come to NoVA Labor for a member-to-member lit drop rally. Due to covid precautions we will gather outdoors and we will not be serving lunch. Individually wrapped breakfast snacks and water will be provided. 4536 John Marr Drive, Annandale. Questions Contact Bob Zabel. [email protected] 317-489-2501. photo: at last week's walk; photo courtesy Virginia Diamond.
Prince William Dems Unity Canvass: Sun, October 10, 2pm – 4pm
Join candidates Terry McAuliffe, Hala Ayala, Elizabeth Guzman, Candi King, Luke Torian, and Andrea Bailey for a canvass launch.
RSVP to [email protected] for the address in Dumfries, VA.
MWC and CSA offices will be closed Monday in observance of the federal holiday; look for the next Union City on Tuesday, October 12. PLUS: Click here to hear "No Justice, No Froot Loops!": BCTGM 3G (Battle Creek, MI) president Trevor Bidelman's Your Rights At Work report on the Kellogg's strike and UNITE HERE 25 on the Hilton Housekeeping Campaign!
Kennedy Center’s stage workers OK strike
After 16 months of negotiations, stagehands at Washington’s John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday unanimously voted to strike. A strike could take place as early as today, threatening the cancellation or rescheduling of Tony-Award winning musical “Hadestown”. “A strike can be avoided and Hadestown can take the stage, but that’s up to Kennedy Center’s managers,” said IATSE Local 22 President David McIntyre. “We’ve been more than willing to tighten our belts and help the Kennedy Center during this difficult time for the arts. However, the Kennedy Center’s management team has decided to use the pandemic as an excuse to gut our contract while taking millions in federal relief dollars just as large audiences are scheduled to return.” Read more here; this story was posted on Twitter yesterday; follow us there for the latest local labor updates.
Stepping up PRO Act pressure on Warner “Our actions are escalating,” reports NoVA Labor president Virginia Diamond, reporting on the weekly Wednesdays with Warner demonstrations. “We now march from Windmill HIlls Park to a busy intersection in downtown Alexandria to inform commuters that their Senator is still refusing to sign on to the PRO Act despite a strong resolution from the state Democratic Party urging him to do so.” photos courtesy Virginia Diamond
MCGEO’s Team Union wins at Ride-On Rodeo UFCW 1994/MCGEO Team Union members Ray Lee, Crystal Bates and Raymond Phoenix -- union members who work for the County's Ride-On bus service -- were all smiles after their victory against the management team in the annual Ride-On Rodeo.
Today's Labor Quote: Lech Walesa
“Tanks can threaten and massacre us, but they will never be able to force us to work.”
In Poland, the Solidarity union and all other labor organizations were banned by the government on this date in 1982.
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: This week's show: Sharecroppers’ struggles for rights and power. Last week's show: Feathers and Pennies - the 1888 Matchgirls and us.
October 8 Thirty of the city's 185 firefighters are injured battling the Great Chicago Fire, which burned for three days - 1871
Structural Building Trades Alliance organizes in Indianapolis with goal of eliminating jurisdictional strikes that were seriously disrupting the industry and shoring up the power of international unions over local building trades councils. Conflicts between large and small unions doomed the group and it disbanded six years later - 1902
October 9 United Hebrew Trades is organized in New York by shirtmaker Morris Hillquit and others. Hillquit would later would become leader of the Socialist Party - 1888
Retail stock brokerage Smith Barney reaches a tentative sexual harassment settlement with a group of female employees. The suit charged, among other things, that branch managers asked female workers to remove their tops in exchange for money and one office featured a "boom boom room" where women workers were encouraged to "entertain clients." The settlement was never finalized: a U.S. District Court Judge refused to approve the deal because it failed to adequately redress the plaintiff's grievances - 1997
3,300 sanitation workers working for private haulers in Chicago win a 9-day strike featuring a 28 percent wage increase over 5 years - 2003
October 10 Six days into a cotton field strike by 18,000 Mexican and Mexican-American workers in Pixley, Calif., four strikers are killed and six wounded; eight growers were indicted and charged with murder - 1933
- David Prosten.
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.