Hi John,

Following my email earlier in the week, something absolutely incredible happened: donations flooded in and and we’re now in a much stronger position to protect all the anti-fascist work on HOPE not hate’s website. Thank you to everyone who chipped in. 

The importance of the website has really been made clear in the last 48 hours. On Wednesday we published an article about a Tory councillor who’s a secret supporter of Patriotic Alternative (PA), a racial nationalist and fascist organisation that seeks the removal of ethnic minorities from the UK. Within a few hours it was picked up by politicians, the press and on social media. He has since been suspended from the party. 

This work - from our crack research team uncovering these secret far right activists through to getting that research out via our site - is all possible because of our members. People who chip in a small amount each month sustain our work and give us the certainty to budget for the future.

Crucial anti-fascist work like this simply would not be possible without the support of our members. Can I ask that you consider becoming a member by making a monthly donation today?

I’ll give £5 monthly


I’ll give £10 monthly


I’ll give £15 monthly


I’ll give £25 monthly

(Or if you haven't already, you can click here to make a one-off donation instead).

Thank you for everything you do, 


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate

PS. Do read the expose of the Tory Councillor, it’s an incredible read. I am so proud of this and all the work our team does.