Act for America
Dear John,

Enjoy this incredible interview on Newsmax discussing the landing of Chinese fighter jets on Bagram air base in Afghanistan and the relationship between China and the Taliban!

It’s been 20 Years in Afghanistan and what do we have to show for it? 

At ACT for America, we have called for the Impeachment of Biden, holding him accountable for the catastrophic failure of leadership in Afghanistan. After over a year and a half with zero casualties, we now have 13 US Servicemen killed and 18 wounded. We have 170 Afghans killed and 200+ wounded that were under military protection. 

ACT members organized 365,000 calls to action to members of Congress!

We have potentially hundreds of Americans STILL left behind with no plans for rescue and now we hear of witch hunts being orchestrated by the Biden Administration to charge brave, patriotic Americans who risked their lives to save Americans left behind! 

ACT members organized 524,000 calls to action to members of Congress!

We have called for the investigation and firing of General Milley, Secretary of Defense Austin, and Secretary of State Blinken to hold them accountable for their role in their catastrophic, botched withdrawal of Afghanistan that resulted in horrific deaths, injuries, and the withdrawal of unvetted Afghan Refugees before Americans! 

ACT members collectively organized 934,000 calls to action to members of Congress!

Now we learn that General Mark Milley must be investigated to determine if he has broken laws betrayed the Commander in Chief, and betrayed our country, including tipping off the Chinese Communist Party. 

And today we find ourselves having to fight to designate the Taliban as a foreign terrorist organization! And there’s over 60 Bills pending in Congress related to the Taliban and Afghanistan nightmare.

Together, we will ACT for America!

ACT for America!
We are NOT a Think Tank!
We are a Battle Tank

We need your support!

ACT For America is the 501 (c) (4) sister organization of ACT For
America Education, an educational organization founded in 2002.
ACT For America does not support candidates or political parties,
but it may promote issues or specific pieces of legislation.


Copyright © 2021. ACT for America,
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 190, #614
Washington, DC 20004
United States
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