Dear John,

Over the past four years, Judge Moore has been at war with the forces of liberal America who are working overtime to disrupt our election process with false allegations, big money, and even fraud.

We are seeing this sort of political assassination being used in every key election since my campaign. Alabama was only a test run for the botched election in 2020! Are we to continue to sit back and watch as our nation is being stolen right before our eyes?


We have pleaded with the court to transfer this case to a more appropriate jurisdiction but so far have been denied, but we will not stop here. Not only has this court delayed his case for over three years, but the judge in this case contributed money to Judge Moore's opponent in the 2017 Senate election. It seems that corruption is not limited to politics but has crept into our judicial system as well. 

That is why we have fought so hard since my 2017 Senate election, to clear his good name and to set a standard for future elections! Your support for our defense fund has been critical to our efforts, thank you!

We still have a ways to go, and need all the help we can get to win this case at trial! Will you stand by me by contributing $50, $100, $250 or even $500? Your support would be a tremendous help in setting the record straight!


Kayla Moore
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