From Maine Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject Tell Susan Collins: Protect Roe v. Wade
Date October 8, 2021 12:13 AM
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Susan Collins claimed that Roe v. Wade would be safe -- even as she voted to confirm radical right-wing conservatives like Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

But just a few weeks ago, the Supreme Court refused to block a heinous anti-abortion law in Texas.

The Supreme Court also agreed to hear Mississippi’s challenge that could topple Roe v. Wade.

Reproductive rights are not safe in this country -- not even in Maine. Our Senator Susan Collins claims to support the right to choose and it’s time for her to step up and prove it.

Will you add your name to our petition right now to demand that Susan Collins supports legislation to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law and protect abortion rights nationwide? [link removed]

The right to safe, legal abortion is fundamental -- and right now, it’s under attack by the far right.

Susan Collins helped install ultra-conservatives on the Supreme Court, putting our rights at risk. Now, she has the chance to undo some of the damage by helping to pass pro-choice legislation.

Sign on now to call on Susan Collins to finally do the right thing and protect Roe v. Wade. [link removed]

Thank you,


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Maine Democratic Party
PO Box 5258
Augusta, ME 04330
United States

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