This could have major consequences in next year’s midterm elections.

Hey team:

Last year, 65 million voters cast their ballots by mail. Driven in part by the coronavirus pandemic, mail-in voting allowed for a record breaking number of Americans to cast their ballots safely and securely.

But following the 2020 election, Republicans have taken steps to limit the number of Americans who qualify for mail-in voting — a move that could have major consequences in next year’s midterm elections.

Do you support mail-in voting?



In 2020, we proved that when voter turnout is high, Democrats win up and down the ballot. But it didn’t come easy:

Donald Trump did everything in his power to limit the number of people voting by mail — sowing doubt in the security of mail-in ballots and working with his hand-picked Postmaster General to slow down the USPS.

Protecting the right to vote for every American is essential to the functioning of our democracy — including the right to mail in ballots. Do you support mail-in voting?



Thanks for your input,

Future Forum PAC


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