October 7, 2021
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Healthcare Heroes Strike over Worker Safety and Quality of Care
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Last Friday, nearly 2,000 healthcare workers at Catholic Health System’s Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, N.Y., members of CWA Local 1133, went on strike after the hospital system failed to reach a fair agreement on a new contract. Issues on the table include understaffing, equipment shortages, low wages, and healthcare costs.
The workers had a transition plan in place for the strike, handing off patient care to managers on duty, and Local 1133 executive officers personally checked to make sure every patient was covered before the walkout.
An outpouring of support from community members, elected officials, and other union members has been a source of strength for these healthcare heroes, who have been risking their own safety to serve the community throughout the pandemic. Click here to learn more and support the strike.

CWAers on the picket line outside Catholic Health’s Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, N.Y., demanding a fair contract.

CWA Wins a Major Victory Against the Wireless Industry in California
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On Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), in a win for CWA members, wireless workers, and consumers, vetoed a bill that would have put industry profits over worker safety by limiting what local governments can do to ensure that 5G wireless equipment is installed safely. The legislation (SB 556) would have put workers at risk, especially if the work was done with low-wage contractors who might cut corners to save money. It also failed to set any requirements for the wireless industry to expand broadband facilities or close the digital divide in exchange for access to utility poles.
After the bill passed the state legislature, CWA activists engaged with Newsom, who recently fought back a recall attempt with the help of CWA members, and educated his staff about the dangers of the bill.
Bargaining Update
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Voice Media Group
This week, workers at sister publications Miami New Times (TNG-CWA Local 3108) and Phoenix New Times (TNG-CWA Local 39213), owned by Denver-based Voice Media Group, successfully ratified their first contracts after almost a year of bargaining. The contracts secure numerous hard-fought workplace protections and enhanced employee benefits.
Last Monday, NABET-CWA’s Network Negotiating Committee opened negotiations with ABC at the company’s headquarters in New York City. Priority issues for the members include expansion of paid sick days, conversion of daily hires into permanent employees, and improvement of benefits, pay, and working conditions for hundreds of engineers, technicians, graphic artists, and other employees. For more bargaining updates, visit NABET-CWA’s website.
Worker Power Update
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CWAers Continue to Fight for Voting Rights for All
On Tuesday, CWA members joined hundreds of other activists in calling their members of Congress as part of a national day of action in support of the Freedom to Vote Act, a revised version of the For the People Act. The bill will protect our freedom to vote, end partisan gerrymandering, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen our election infrastructure, and stop partisan election subversion.
It’s Time for Senators to Pick Up Their Pens
Last Saturday, the OUR Revolution “Pick Up the Pen” pickup truck tour made a stop at the Women’s March in Arizona to call on Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and other members of Congress to pick up their pens and sign on to support the PRO Act. CWA National Legislative and Political Field Director Yolanda Bejarano spoke during the live event and reiterated the need to pass this critical legislation that would protect the rights of workers and ensure they have a voice on the job.

CWA National Legislative and Political Field Director Yolanda Bejarano at the Women’s March in Arizona advocating for the PRO Act.
CWA Members Running for Office
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CWA members make sure that working people’s issues are front and center in local, state, and national elections, and some are even running for office themselves. As part of an ongoing series, we are spotlighting CWA members across the country who are candidates for office in upcoming elections.
Nicole Speer, Boulder City Council Candidate
Nicole Speer, UCW (CWA Local 7799) member and Boulder City Council Candidate.
Dr. Nicole Speer manages the brain imaging research facility at the University of Colorado’s (CU) Institute of Cognitive Science in Boulder and is a member of United Campus Workers (CWA Local 7799). She is running to fill one of the five vacant seats on the Boulder City Council. In addition to being actively engaged in her union, Speer is also active with the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Boulder as well as the NAACP Boulder County branch. In the past, Speer has been an advocate in front of the Planning Board and City Council for issues that matter to the working people of her community. Her broad goal is to build a more inclusive and sustainable Boulder where all feel welcome and are freely able to participate in policy making. Housing affordability, homelessness, racial justice, and climate justice are among the general issues Speer hopes to address if elected. Click here to learn more about her campaign.
Wireless Savings for CWA Members
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Did you know your union membership gets you savings on AT&T’s best wireless plans – every single month? Learn how union members can save on data, wireless and entertainment with the AT&T Signature Program by clicking here.

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