Dear Patriot,
Fauci lies, freedom dies. After 19 months of one man
running roughshod over medical freedom, our economy, and our society in general, it’s long past time to fire and investigate Dr.
Fauci before any further damage is done. This is a man who has been a Big Pharma
aligned bureaucrat and the highest paid person in the federal government for 40+ years.
There is no reason to believe he has a solution to any public health issues, because if he had them, we’d have seen the evidence of them
working by now. Unfortunately for us all, the nation turned to Fauci for answers to
the Coronavirus outbreak that his funding and research likely created, and we’ve been in a tailspin ever since! Listening to Fauci bas been the exact recipe for the slow rolling disaster that we find ourselves in.
Let’s not forget that he’s been caught flip-flopping and lying about things that are obvious to most
thinking people, like natural immunity, for example. My son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
has taken Fauci to task over him acting as if the natural immunity from those who have had this disease either doesn’t
exist or shouldn’t be a factor when it comes to determining who should be forced or coerced into taking the experimental vaccinations developed
in the last year. Rand pointed out more of Fauci’s nonsense this week:
“Hey, this guy has an opinion on baseball, hockey, Tinder, and Christmas, but he was asked the other day about natural
immunity that you acquire after the disease, he is like, ‘Oh, that is a really interesting thought, I never thought
about that. I don’t have an opinion because I haven’t thought about naturally acquired immunity.’ He has and he is
lying to you.” “The reason he won’t bring up natural immunity is because it
foils his plans to get everybody possible vaccinated.” Of course, Fauci doesn’t want to talk about natural immunity because it would severely cut into the profits of his
long-time buddies in Big Pharma who sell the shots. But it’s not just about lining the
pockets of his cronies and appeasing the lobbyist class, it’s about power and control for Dr. Fauci, who now thinks it’s up to
him which activities you and I are allowed to participate in and who we can celebrate holidays with.
Over the weekend, Dr. Fauci was casting doubt on Americans being permitted to celebrate Christmas (and other holidays) together
once again. He gave a big thumbs up to celebrities attending the Obama birthday bash this
summer, but said it was “too soon to tell” if Americans could celebrate the holidays together with family this year.
Then, after pushback from media and the Twitterverse, he clarified that “fully vaccinated” people can
gather together. Despite his constant goalpost moving, flip-flopping, and outright
lies, he continues to be given the red-carpet treatment by the media. The societal
disease that comes in the form of Dr. Anthony Fauci is NOT going to go away on its own. The
loose purse strings that have allowed for Fauci’s dangerous work over decades is the fault of Congress and it’s time for their so-called
leadership to clean this up. They created this monster, and they need to take it out.
Sign the petition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Majority
Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) right away.
After you sign, I am urging you to please consider your
most generous donation of $50, $150, $250, or more today! Fighting these battles
for health freedom come at a tremendous cost to Campaign for Liberty and I would not ask if it wasn’t so important.
If the above amounts are too much, would you consider chipping in $10 or even $25? Every dollar counts!
Signaling that Christmas celebrations may once again fall victim to the permanent medical nanny
state is just the tip of the iceberg for what’s coming out about Fauci and company in our bloated and ever expanding
national medical bureaucracy. New emails have surfaced showing Fauci getting
caught with his hands in the cookie jar once again by funding, coordinating with, and even training the Chinese Communist Party for the dangerous
experiments that led to the COVID outbreak. The evidence appears to be a smoking gun
that should lead to arrests, defunding, and a national call to end this kind of dangerous research. Not to mention this bioweapon
research was done under the control of an adversary of the United States. Sadly, through all
the media-driven mass hysteria and finger pointing at the public, we are being desensitized at exactly the wrong moment in
history. If dangerous actors like Fauci and his cohorts aren’t brought to
justice and shut down quickly, we will see something much worse than COVID in the very near future.
It’s time to demand leadership in Congress do their job and shut down the medical bureaucracy that is responsible.
Sign the petition!
Patriot, I truly fear that unless this research is shut down,
another one of Fauci’s Frankenstein viruses will get out into the general-public and we’ll all be sunk.
The most recent Fauci emails were just further confirmation of what I have been reporting
throughout this COVID chaos. His continued feigned ignorance on natural immunity to
COVID, just to sell the public more shots, is not only irresponsible but it’s yet another reason to fire him and start criminal investigations
on this matter. Let us also not forget that Fauci was caught
lying about the Wuhan lab leak and funding of “gain-of-function” viruses such as COVID that are engineered to be MORE CONTAGIOUS.
Patriot, I worry another virus is exactly what these medical fascists want, because of the
massive transfer of wealth to the elites and political class that happened with COVID.
According to a report in Sky News Australia from late last month, Fauci was ‘up to his neck’ funding coronavirus research in Wuhan. Yet he seems to have absolutely no remorse and just continues to push for more experimental
COVID shots, which have clearly failed to have any measurable positive effect on “public health.” Patriot, Fauci and company are not going to stop treating us like one giant experiment and I’m not so sure saving ANY
lives is their goal. It’s time for Congress to act and act fast, which is why so-called
leadership needs to step up at once and do their job, so let’s you and I DEMAND it! Sign the
petition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and demand they
work with their caucuses to hold those responsible accountable! After you sign, I am urging you to please consider your
most generous donation of $50, $150, $250, or more today! If another manipulated virus escapes the lab, you know the tyrants
will only clamp down harder next time, no matter how many times their policies have been proven as a complete failure. For Liberty,  Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S.
The medical tyrants are leading this country off a cliff, while Congress sits back and lets it happen.
We cannot afford to sit back and wait for the next lab-created virus to ensnare the public in never-ending tyranny.
Sign the
petition to Congressional leadership TODAY. It’s their responsibility to
stop the medical bureaucracy, which they created, from waging war on the public. Then consider your most generous donation.
If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
________________________________________________ The
mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money,
free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.