Each year, the Law Center honors and celebrates leaders who raise awareness about and advance solutions to homelessness and poverty. The prestigious awards are presented to innovative change-makers who are fighting for a future where everyone has a place to call home.
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Since the Law Center's founding in 1989, Sullivan & Cromwell has been a steadfast pro bono partner - in fact, it was Sullivan & Cromwell's committment to pro bono work that allowed our founder to start her fight toward ending homelessness and led to the founding of the Law Center. Over the past year, Sullivan & Cromwell has made a powerful impact with their pro bono support, and we are proud to honor them with this year's Pro Bono Counsel Award.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Law Center has partnered with Sullivan & Cromwell to identify the responses enacted by communities across the country to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness. S&C attorneys monitored and synthesized news alerts into an accessible spreadsheet that we used to assess how communities were serving the needs of unhoused people in real time. 
This data has been made publicly available on the Law Center's Coronavirus hub and has contributed to resources based around the Law Center's COVID-19 pandemic recommendations. The resources created by Sullivan & Cromwell not only helped the Law Center's advocacy, they helped local advocates and organizers proactively protect their communities. 
Thank you, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, and all of your pro bono attorneys! 

The 23rd Annual McKinney-Vento Awards will be held virtually Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 3 PT / 6 ET.
Tickets are free, and you can register today! 
Stewart B. McKinney Award 
Jessica Bruder, author of Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century, and
Chloé Zhao, director of Nomadland
Bruce F. Vento Award 
Rep. Maxine Waters
Pro Bono Counsel Award 
Sullivan & Cromwell
Featuring the LA CAN Freedom Singers
Thank you to our sponsors!
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National Homelessness Law Center
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750-E
Washington, DC 20036