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This DVAM, support survivors in the workplace!

October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time in which we reflect on the impact domestic violence has on the lives of millions and come together to mobilize action. This October, commit to making change in your own workplace. 

Domestic violence significantly impedes a survivor's ability to thrive in the workplace and in many cases, the actions of abusive partners and trauma can result in survivors losing wages or even their job. Workplaces have an opportunity to disrupt the impact of violence on survivors’ ability to thrive at work by implementing supportive policies and practices that foster a safer and more supportive workplace for all. 

FUTURES’ National Resource Center on Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence (also available in Spanish) offers guidance that workplace leaders, co-workers, and allies can use to help survivors remain safe at work. The National Resource Center features hundreds of interactive tools and guides organized by topic, type of resource, and workplace role. Find resources on:

Technical Assistance is just a click away!

The Workplaces Respond team can provide technical assistance to workplace stakeholders seeking to promote workplace cultures of support for survivors and engage in the prevention of gender-based violence affecting the workplace. With this assistance, workplace communities can both better recover from incidents of violence, and support workers who experience domestic violence, sexual harassment, and stalking at home or on the job. 

Upon request, Workplaces Respond can:
  • Create and share culturally-relevant and industry-appropriate best practices to increase worker safety and economic security.
  • Provide referrals and background information on the impacts of domestic and sexual violence, harassment, and stalking on the workplace.
  • Facilitate live and web-based education programs and training on existing best practices for employers, government agencies, and labor organizations.
  • Develop or audit workplace policies and practices that both prevent as well as respond to domestic and sexual violence, harassment, and stalking impacting the workplace.

Together we can help survivors remain safe at work and prevent violence from threatening their economic independence. 

In community, 
The Workplaces and Economic Justice Team

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Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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