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 News of the Week

COVID Cash Assistance Helped 1 Million New Yorkers Avoid Poverty, Report Finds
Researchers said their findings counter a narrative that stimulus payments and unemployment benefits were “too generous” and disincentivized work.

As NY’s Excluded Workers Fund Runs Out of Cash, Advocates Press for Expansion
Two months after the Excluded Workers Fund began taking applications, it’s running out of cash. 
What was the role of Latinos and immigrants during Occupy Wall Street? What role did immigration issues play as part of the demands of the occupiers? Participants, scholars, and journalists reconstruct the influence of Latinos and immigrants on Occupy.
The program, which has been on hold since May 2020, kicks off again Monday in four Brooklyn neighborhoods as a budget report notes high costs to sustain it.
Prior to the pandemic, city policy forced entire families—including each school-aged child—to show up at a Bronx facility known as the PATH intake center to complete an initial assessment, which often meant missing at least a day of school.

Data Drop: Money in the Mayor’s Race as the General Election Approaches
We’re less than a month away from New York City’s general election on Nov. 2. Last Friday, candidates vying for mayor, comptroller, public advocate, City Council and more were required to file their latest campaign finance reports.

Apply Now For Fall: Youth Reporting Internship with City Limits


Una Ciudad Sin Límites

¿Cómo es la migración haitiana a través del continente americano hasta llegar a los Estados Unidos?
Estados Unidos albergaba la mayor población de inmigrantes haitianos en 2020 en el continente con unos 705.000 y se encuentran mayormente concentrados en ciudades como Miami, Nueva York y Boston.

Lo que necesita saber sobre: ¿cómo los neoyorquinos indocumentados pueden aplicar por fondos para cubrir daños por tormenta Ida?
El domingo, la gobernadora de Nueva York, Kathy Hochul y el alcalde de la Gran Manzana, Bill de Blasio, anunciaron la creación de un programa de ayuda para supervivientes indocumentados de las tormentas e inundaciones causadas por los restos del huracán Ida

“I could pay the rent with the stimulus check. It was very helpful for rent and food.”

-- Ella Li, one of roughly 1 million New Yorkers who avoided falling deeper into poverty last year with the help of federal stimulus payments and heftier unemployment checks.
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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Striking a ‘Grand Bargain’ to Rebuild Trust in NYC Affordable Housing
‘We are seeing a rampant level of opposition to every suggestion of new housing going back to before the COVID-19 pandemic. If we are going to address the housing shortage and fuel the recovery, we must strengthen our practices to ensure there is always a net positive for communities.’

Opinion: I’m Writing This From Rikers Island. I Hope You Get the Help I Didn’t
‘I’m telling my story in the hope that fewer people like me, struggling with drug use and mental health issues, end up in here. I am writing to ask the New York State government to pass the Treatment Not Jail Act, which would mean people who get arrested because they really need help actually get treatment, and not jail.’

Opinion: As NYC Officials Weigh Outdoor Dining Rules, Listen to Restaurants
‘Restaurants are a critical part of the economy, employing 10 percent of New Yorkers. We saw during the pandemic how important they are to communities. Outdoor spaces, heated and cooled, were gathering spaces through the year for weary New Yorkers.’

Opinion: Urban Planning Students Discontent with Hunter College’s COVID Reopening Policy
‘The department has chosen to pursue a reopening plan—decided upon in April 2021 and not revisited since—that goes against the wishes of the student body and common-sense health concerns.’
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