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A judge has granted a preliminary injunction (or ruling) to temporarily block Texas’ SB 8. While the battle isn’t over, this is a small win in the fight for abortion access for Texans.

Read URGE’s statement on this ruling HERE.

As always, you can support Texas abortion funds, providers, and practical support organizations. Donate money, follow them on social media, signal boost their requestions. 

Visit for real time updates on abortion access in TX

Talk to your friends about what is happening in Texas and follow us on Social Media to keep in the loop!


In Solidarity,

Jazmin Gonzalez (they/she)

Digital Campaigns Manager

P.S.  While we’re happy to stay in touch via email, social media is another fantastic way to stay up to date. Click here to follow us on Instagram , Twitter , Facebook , and even TikTok 

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