Dear Defender of Wildlife,
A new oil development in Alaska threatens to turn key habitat for polar bears, ice seals, whales and more into a massive industrial zone.
The development proposed by oil giant, ConocoPhillips, would build a huge oil field with hundreds of oil wells that would impact critical polar bear habitat and currently protected lands in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released their Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the development, but they're rushing to authorize it as quickly as possible, with little regard for the impacts to wildlife.
Tell the BLM: Don’t turn a blind eye to wildlife!
Here's why we’re worried about the BLM’s impact statement: The current administration is trying to shrink Special Areas that protect wildlife to facilitate even more oil and gas drilling in the Arctic.
This statement comes as the BLM is revising the overall management plan for the area to expand drilling and reduce protected areas. Its priority is to support more oil and gas development, not to conserve wildlife, and that’s affecting its assessment of projects like the Willow development.
We need to stand up and make sure this agency is giving wildlife its due. Tell the BLM: Do your job and protect our wildlife and wild places!
Your voice is critical to making sure the public is included in this process and that the true impact of these oil and gas developments is being considered.
We can’t let the BLM gloss over the impacts and jeopardize the well-being of irreplaceable Arctic wildlife like polar bears, whales and seals. Speak up today!
Don’t let our wildlife and wild places fall victim to fallout from oil and gas development. Sign our petition right now!
Thank you for doing your part to protect Alaska's wildlife.
Nicole Whittington-Evans
Alaska Program Director
Defenders of Wildlife |