From Volunteers of America <[email protected]>
Subject Renee's resilience
Date October 7, 2021 4:05 PM
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Our supporters have a deep interest in the health and wellness of U.S.
military members, especially veterans. In our continued series,
HONORING THOSE WHO SERVED, veterans share how they conquered
challenges for a new life - all made possible by VOA and you!

Our Vets sacrificed for us. Help them Heal

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Renee had big plans after high school: Serve her country, see the
world, and more than anything, escape the grip of her abusive
stepfather. The Air Force was the answer to her prayers and she served
proudly, eventually marrying another airman, and starting a family.

Everything seemed perfect, but her husband's volatile bouts
escalated over time, to physical abuse of their son. Renee knew this
scenario all too well and it pushed her to a tough but brave decision.
She left with her children and returned home to Chicago.

Not long after relocating, Renee received a shocking diagnosis of
advanced ovarian cancer. Treatments compromised her health and drained
her income and before she knew it, she had lost her job, her house,
and any hope she had left.

Renee would say her life was saved, thanks to VOA resources, that were
possible because of supporters like you. With our comprehensive
services, she regained stability for herself and kids, until
eventually they were living in their own apartment, safe and sound in
their new life.

Every day, veterans like Renee are getting back on their feet from
steep challenges. It's a reminder of the inherent courage and
commitment of our military men and women. And the power of caring.

Would you like to change the life of more veterans in need? Donate

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