Just like you, I’m sick and tired of the craziness we see from Pelosi, Biden, Harris and all their cheerleaders in the media.
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Fellow Conservative - Hi, my name is Landon.
I’m a young conservative activist and I’m reaching out to you today for something critically important.
Pelosi, Biden, Harris are ramming through radical policies that will wipe out our freedoms and turn all of America into a socialist nightmare.
I’m still in my 20s – so my entire future is on the line right now. That’s why this morning I stepped up and chipped in $25 bucks to help Pro-Trump conservatives win back the House and send Pelosi packing.
Look, most people my age are not grassroots donors – but I know what you know…if we don’t stop the radical left now, our country won’t survive.
So I’m asking you if you’ll join me by also chipping in just $25 dollars by the end of today to help conservatives win, flip the House RED, and secure the future for my generation.
You know the Dems, the media, and the liberals in Hollywood and universities want you to think all young people agree with them – but it’s not true.
But we’ll never stand a chance if we can’t turn things around now. Pelosi & Biden have $200 MILLION in the bank, and GOP candidates won’t win without your help.
So, I’m personally asking you: Will you join me in helping out before it's too late?
Here’s a link to chip in right now: https://secure.winred.com/grassroots-donate/
I care deeply about my future – I hope you do too.
Thanks for standing with me.
Conservative Supporter
Paid for by Jake Ellzey for Congress
PO BOX 341027
Austin, TX 78734
Jake Ellzey retired from the U.S. Navy. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.
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