Hey there, John ––

The Coalition for Open Messaging is a group of over 100 organizations (including us!) fighting to protect our movement’s access to civic tech and texting. And today, we’re taking over Axios.

Check out the Axios website or app sometime today and check out the banner calling on Congress to protect texting for our democracy! 

Could you take the following three steps to help protect person-to-person text messaging, the safest, most accessible way to reach voters and our communities?
1. Sign the petition
Make sure you sign the petition to tell your member of Congress how important it is that organizations like ours are included as stakeholders in any rules around open messaging.

2. Submit testimony
Do you have any stories about the power of texting in your work? Do you have any texters on your team who are passionate about connecting with their communities about issues that impact our everyday lives?
Complete this form and share it with as many texters as you can.

3. Join the coalition
There’s over 100 progressive organizations in the Coalition for Open Messaging, and we’re all committed to civic tech for freedom and democracy.
Join us today! We are advocating for our collective right to be at the table to ensure our communities can stay connected. 

Civic tech is critical in helping voters and communities build a healthy democracy and future. Today in Axios we’re letting Congress and carriers know how important this is. I hope you join us, John!

Always proud to be in this fight with you!

–– The Team at Open Progress
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