Welcome to, Thursday, October 7th, Gatorades and Powerades...

A federal judge temporarily blocked the enforcement of Texas’ controversial abortion law.

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U.S. District Court Judge Robert Pitman issued a temporary block against Texas’ S.B 8 abortion law, saying:

"Women have been unlawfully prevented from exercising control over their lives in ways that are protected by the Constitution."

Even with the law on hold, abortion services are still not able to resume without risking lawsuits. The state of Texas intends to appeal Pitman's ruling to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Do you support blocking Texas’ abortion law?

Democrats Accept GOP Plan to Delay Debt Limit Standoff Until December

Democrats on Wednesday accepted Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) offer of a short-term truce in the standoff over the debt limit, which will be increased until December under a deal Congress is expected to act on in the near future.

McConnell said in a statement that “the unified Democratic government had two and a half months to address the debt limit through reconciliation” but instead “they drifted to the doorstep of yet another self-created Democrat crisis.” 

In the meantime, Democrats will be focused on resolving their intra-party divisions over their reconciliation spending bill, given that its size and the extent to which its spending is offset by tax hikes will determine its impact on the deficit and the national debt. 

How do you feel about a short-term debt limit extension?

All the Memes Fit to Post

And, In The End...

Splish splash on this...

—Josh Herman & Minna Lee

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