Be honest.

Tim Alexander For Congress

Rate Jeff Van Drew's job performance, from A-F >>>

John, Jeff Van Drew is as self-serving as any politician can be: from switching parties to pledge undying loyalty to Trump, rejecting voting rights, dark money in politics, and meaningful COVID relief, to questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election results.

Jeff’s job performance thus far tells us one thing: he cares more about scoring political points than serving his own constituents.

But we want to know where YOU stand, John:

Team Alexander is conducting a Jeff Van Drew Report Card Poll to see how you rate Van Drew’s job performance — but your response is needed before midnight. Click below to tell us what grade you would give this Trump loyalist >>>






Thanks for your response,

Team Alexander



Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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