Step up and show your support at #walkagainsthate. Don’t let hatred go without a response.
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John, let’s step up to fight antisemitism, bigotry and extremism.

The chance to do so is right around the corner! In just three days, on October 10, ADL is hosting our annual Walk Against Hate.

You have seen the hate across our country this year — from online bullying to antisemitic attacks in the streets of our cities.

As part of the amazing ADL community, we ask you to show up this Sunday and share the ways you are on the move in the Good Fight, whether you walk, roll, stroll or swim.

Walk Against Hate ADLers

When you post a photo or video of how you #walkagainsthate on social media, your family, your co-workers and your friends will know that you are speaking out and you refuse to let hatred go without a response. People will be Walking in their own way all across the country, so be sure to check out #walkagainsthate to see how others are stepping up.

Will you commit to joining us for ADL’s Walk Against Hate on Sunday?

Let’s get moving! There are only three days left to sign up.

Let’s Do It!

Thank you!
— The ADL Walk Against Hate Team