Dear Concerned Supporter,

Manchester schools have been FAILING under Mayor Craig’s leadership of the school district. Compared to the rest of the state, Manchester schools are underperforming by drastic margins and our children are not receiving the quality education they deserve.

At Beech Street School, less than 10% of children are testing as proficient in English, Math, and Science. Statistics like this are upsetting, but this is unfortunately come to expect under Joyce Craig's administration.

We cannot continue to allow our kids' educations to suffer under Craig. It's time for a mayor that will prioritize improving our schools.

CLICK HERE to see Victoria Sullivan's plan to improve education in Manchester.

With Victoria in the Corner Office, parents around the city will be able to count on our schools to provide their kids with the best futures possible.

-Team Sullivan

P.S. Stay up to date by following the campaign on Facebook and Twitter.
Paid for by Friends of Victoria Sullivan. Ray Hebert, Treasurer. P.O. Box 4301, Manchester, NH 03108