Dear John

End Hunger Week of Action 11-18 October 2019

End Hunger Week 2019 was a massive success, thanks to everyone who took part! Church Action on Poverty is really proud to be part of a big and growing movement of people around the country standing up and saying that action must be taken on food poverty now!

Over 50 groups took part in the photo stunt action. You can see lots of the fabulous pictures on the End Hunger website and here is one of our favourite videos. Many folk managed to get lots of coverage in their local press, and lots spoke on their local radio stations. Here is Naomi in Liverpool, who did an amazing job! Thanks also to all those who tweeted and liked posts on Facebook – we had a really fantastic presence on social media.

We held the national launch for the new campaign, challenging the government to create a plan for ending hunger by 2030, at the beautiful Sheffield Cathedral on World Food Day, 16 October. Our Food Glorious Food choir were brilliant. This one-minute video will give you a flavour for the event. A number of the choir members were on the radio and we got a great piece in The Mirror.

Because of the energy and desire for change of all the folk on the frontline of food poverty around the country, our End Hunger UK message was loud and clear. Well done everyone!

Below are the fabulous folk from Newquay Orchard!

Thanks again if you were one of those who took part! We'll be in touch again soon with actions you can take to keep up the pressure for politicians to make a real plan to End UK Hunger.

Best wishes

Liam Purcell
Church Action on Poverty