Dear John
Earlier this year, I wrote to ask for your help strengthening the law to protect nature. Thanks so much if you’ve supported our campaign. We’re now on the verge of something amazing. And we need your help to make it a reality.
This September, Lords voted in favour of desperately needed changes to the fundamentally flawed Environment Bill [1]. This is great news – we’ve been campaigning for these changes for 3 years.
The changes will make it harder for the government to ignore the environment when making decisions and guarantee faster action to restore nature. And they'll help make sure the new independent environmental watchdog is strong enough to safeguard the natural world.
But all these successes could still be snatched away. Soon, MPs will vote on whether to accept these improvements and set out strong new protections for nature, or to reject them, and pass this broken Environment Bill into law without the changes.
Now’s the time to act. Please will you write to your MP to ask them to vote for these improvements to the Environment Bill?
Over a decade ago, thanks to the support of people across the UK, we won a momentous Climate Change Act to help the UK fight the climate crisis.
And together, we can win nature the protection it deserves too. Lords from all political parties have already voted through these important improvements. So now we just need to show MPs that their constituents really care about this new environment law as well.
Please will you ask your MP to vote in favour of a strong law to protect the natural world?
Thanks so much for all you do,
Kierra Box
Nature campaigner
[1] A bill is a government proposal for a new law. Until it becomes a proper law, we have a chance to change it and make it better.