Hi Friend,

ALERT: The Biden administration has weaponized the FBI to go after parents for speaking up for their children at school board meetings.

In what world is this okay?! This isn’t communist China… This is the United States of America, home of FREE speech. And it’s the fundamental (and innate) role of any parent to protect their child.
This is a new low. It’s a direct assault on free speech, abuse of power, and attack on parents’ rights.

Parents wouldn’t be in this predicament if the government-run public schools did their jobs in teaching our children the basics, rather than indoctrinating them with hateful, divisive rhetoric and unfounded, controversial curriculum like Critical Race Theory.
We need YOU to join us in speaking up for parents’ rights, choices, and freedoms… and demanding that government-run schools put KIDS FIRST.

Share your thoughts or your story today.


Julie Gunlock