Earlier this week, President Biden sent Trump’s Title X gag rule to the trash can of history – exactly where it belongs. This was a dangerous and cruel rule that denied access to critical health services for low-income, Black and brown, and LGBTQ+ communities by withholding vital funding from providers who discussed abortion with patients.
Democratic AGs fought hard to block this gag rule, and last spring, we submitted comments supporting the Biden administration’s efforts to repeal it. I’m glad that the President followed through on his commitment by taking this important step toward ensuring access to equitable, affordable and client-centered family planning services.
While this was a big win, there’s no denying that abortion access is under threat right now. Last month, Texas passed a reprehensible and unconstitutional law that bans abortion after six weeks with no exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal diagnoses and unleashes bounty-hunting vigilantes to block people’s right to legal, life-saving care. My office led a coalition of 24 AGs in support of the DOJ’s challenge to Texas’ law. And in the coming weeks, the Supreme Court could very well overturn Roe v. Wade in their ruling on Mississippi’s illegal 15-week abortion ban.
You can count on me, the People’s Lawyer, to fight to defend abortion rights in America. Just like we took Trump to court over the gag rule, we’ve taken action in the Texas and Mississippi cases as well. Can I count on you to make a contribution today – $5, $10 or anything you can give – to send a clear message that we won’t stand for these unconstitutional bans on abortion?
Thanks for all you do,

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