I'm delighted to announce the release of Poverty & Freedom, a new book of 13 case studies that show how Atlas Network's partners are successfully removing institutional barriers to economic opportunity.
This month, development economists Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer were awarded the Sverige Riksbank's annual prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel. It's encouraging to see so much attention directed toward the issue of poverty alleviation, and their work is bringing a welcome spirit of increased discipline to the field. Still, in an op-ed I wrote forWashington Examiner, I point out the perils of reducing economic development to technocratic interventions. The power of human dignity and individual choice mean the best market solutions aren't centrally designed. Locally-led improvements to economic freedom are the best catalyst for progress, and Poverty & Freedom makes a strong case for supporting local think tanks towards that end.
Thanks again for your support of Atlas Network. Poverty & Freedom is possible because of the efforts of so many local, free-market think tanks around the world that are changing public policy and helping people thrive, and our work is possible because of the investment of so many generous donors in our success.