
While the Democrats struggle to bring their $4.5 trillion spending bill to a vote, I am fighting for working families across the nation and saying NO to Biden’s ridiculous spending.

The Radical Left has become obsessed with forcing through one of the most expensive, dangerous, and ridiculous bills in American history. They want to raise taxes, inflation, and our national debt, just to pay for insane job-killing programs and needless things like Nancy Pelosi’s favorite park in San Francisco!
This bill is too expensive to be passed and the repercussions of its price could affect America for decades to come. Already inflation is past 5%, and if the Democrats have their way we'll see a massive tax hike raising taxes on as many as 75% of middle-class families next year!

I am not standing by as the Radical Left push their political agenda at the expense of the American worker and their families. After the pandemic last year, the last thing we need is more taxes, more inflation, and a bigger federal government. I am counting on you to sign my petition to join my fight to protect working families!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne