Friend, Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on President Biden’s nomination to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Oregon Employment Relations Board Member Jennifer Sung. Since her hearing last month, she has been repeatedly attacked by the Far Right for having signed a letter in her personal capacity that opposed the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh – we will not let these ludicrous attacks stop her confirmation. Can you help us reach our goal of 15,000 signatures on our petition BEFORE the vote on Member Sung tomorrow? When you sign, your signature will be electronically sent right away to the Senate so that you can have an immediate impact on the vote! Working families across the United States have been struggling throughout the pandemic, and with multiple anti-workers’ rights rulings by Trump-appointed judges this year, it’s clearer than ever that we desperately need an expert on workers’ rights on the federal bench. Member Sung is this expert. She has decades of experience in fighting for victims of wage theft, representing uninsured patients, and testifying before state legislatures to improve both workers’ wages and access to health care across the country. Member Sung has a deep understanding of workers’ rights and working families that is sorely needed on the U.S. Court of Appeals. And as the third ever Asian American woman to serve on a federal appeals court, she would bring a vital perspective to the Ninth Circuit that will help it better protect the rights of all people. The right-wing members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have signaled their continued opposition to her nomination, and we need to drown it out before tomorrow’s vote with our messages of support. Please help us get the extremely well-qualified Member Sung confirmed to the Ninth Circuit! In community, Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate