Despite enormous pressure from powerful lobbyists and corporate Democrats who care more about lining their pockets with donations than doing their jobs, our allies in the Congressional Progressive Caucus held the line last week to save Bernie’s budget! Sign our card here to thank the Congressional Progressive Caucus for standing up to big money in politics and saving Bernie’s budget!
Bernie’s budget — which contains the campaign promises that President Biden ran and won on — is the most significant investment in working people in decades and is paid for with increased taxes on the rich and big corporations. If we lived in a functional democracy, the budget would have already passed because it’s wildly popular with voters across the political spectrum. Passing it is absolutely critical for Democrats to maintain majorities in the House and Senate, and failure will almost certainly lead to a takeover by an increasingly fascist Republican party. But, since our democracy is dominated by big money, an extreme, out-of-touch minority — only 4% of all Democrats in Congress — tried to kill Bernie’s budget last week because the donors and lobbyists they answer to don’t want the wealthy and big corporations to pay their fair share in taxes. That’s why we are so grateful that our allies and frequent national call guests, Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khanna, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and so many others demonstrated strength by standing together and saving Bernie’s budget! John, will you sign our card to thank Pramila and the rest of the Congressional Progressive Caucus for standing strong and saving the Democratic agenda that Bernie worked so hard to advance?
Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, the fossil fuel industry, and other forces are now focusing all of their political power on weakening Bernie’s bill or blocking it altogether. That’s why Our Revolution has been holding protests, driving phone calls, and organizing pressure on corporate Democrats to stop them from selling out President Biden and the entire Democratic party in exchange for campaign donations and future career opportunities. Add your name here to join us in thanking the Congressional Progressive Caucus for standing up to corporate pressure and saving Bernie’s budget! While we won this battle, the larger struggle continues. The next month will determine the fate of Bernie’s budget, Joe Biden’s presidency, and the future of American democracy. We’re glad to have you in this important fight with us! In solidarity, The whole team at Our Revolution
