Dear friend,
We won! Last night, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed SB 73, a bill that repeals a number of mandatory minimums for certain drug offenses. FAMM and our partners pushed the bill through the legislature over the past several months and now it's law. These harmful, ineffective policies will soon be a thing of the past in California. Good riddance!
This victory would not have been possible without the help of our FAMMily. We asked our California members to write their representatives in Sacramento and to tweet at the governor — and they did. We showed lawmakers this wasn't just a policy issue, it was a people issue. The results are undeniable.
FAMM will continue to fight wasteful mandatory minimums all across the country — just yesterday, we submitted written testimony in support of a bill to eliminate drug mandatory minimums in Massachusetts. Be sure to check out our action center to see how you can get involved in the fight:

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM
P.S. To help us keep the momentum going, consider making a tax-deductible donation to FAMM today!