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The Mississippi Center for Public Policy has just published a report on Critical Race Theory in our state. Please get your own copy here. 

Critical Race Theory is dangerous and divisive. A form of Marxism, Critical Race Theory teaches young people that America is divided between oppressors and the oppressed. Instead of class categories of bourgeoisie and proletariat, however, Critical Race Theory invokes identity categories of white and black.  

Critical Race Theory is an extreme ideology that seeks to overthrow the existing economic and political order.

Despite assurances given by the education establishment that they are not promoting Critical Race Theory, our report presents compelling evidence that it is being advanced in our state. 

Some of our findings are shocking. 

For example: 

  • Several departments at public universities explicitly espouse Critical Race Theory. One refers to the way that “systemic racism” perpetuates “white supremacy." Another teaches courses that explore “how whiteness is constructed” and looks at the relationship between white identity and “white nationalism, white supremacy, white privilege, and whiteness.”
  • The Mississippi Department of Education recommends teachers use professional development resources provided by organizations that clearly promote Critical Race Theory, such as the Zinn Education Project, which has called for the abolition of Christopher Columbus Day.

To defeat this divisive ideology, we need:  

  • A law to combat Critical Race Theory.
  • To review the curriculum, make changes to the Board of Education, and take action to ensure public universities teach students a range of ideas and differing viewpoints. 
  • Donors to stop funding this divisive ideology.

Here at the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, we are on the front line in the fight to defend liberty, limited government, and America’s Founding Ideals. Our report sets out practical steps to defeat Critical Race Theory.

I hope you will find this paper interesting and our policy recommendations reassuring.  

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps. Critical Race Theorists don’t always admit to promoting such a divisive agenda. Our report shows how to spot the signs that this extreme ideology is being advanced.

View our previous policy paper being discussed on national media below.
Douglas Carswell joined Fox News to discuss the new report and highlight some of its most important findings.
Yahoo News highlighted the Fox discussion of the Fat Cat Report here.
Paul Gallo and Douglas Carswell discuss the report and its findings in this video interview.
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