CTV Alert
October 7, 2021
Tell your U.S. Senators to Oppose H.R. 3755

The Pro-Life movement has never had more momentum than it does at this moment, with the US Supreme Court poised to overturn the constitutional question that has allowed abortion in this nation since 1973.

Afraid that the Court will act to uphold the sanctity of life, Speaker Pelosi and the US House of Representatives recently voted 218-211 to codify abortion on demand into a horribly brutal piece of law known as HR 3755, "The Women's Health Protection Act."

"If enacted, the Women’s Health Protection Act would endanger essentially all state-level abortion restrictions, existing state and federal conscience protection laws, and various provisions limiting taxpayer funding for abortions," stated DeVos Center Policy Analyst Melanie Israel.

In short, if passed, H.R. 3755 would do the following:
  • Allow federal tax dollars to fund abortion
  • Remove First Amendment protections for individuals and entities who oppose abortion for religious and conscience reasons
  • Allow individuals, employers, and institutions to be sued for violations of the WHPA.
  • Override more than 500 state laws protecting the unborn
  • Expand access to abortion nationwide, to allow "pre-viability" abortions with absolutely no restrictions in every state
  • Allow post-viability abortions to be performed by “good faith” health care providers who deem there could be the potential of any risk, no matter how insignificant, to the mother. This amounts to basically a meaningless restriction for the abortion industry, and even more troubling, there is nothing that requires or even encourages the viable baby to be delivered.

The bill is now on the Senate calendar for it's second reading, and a vote is expected any day.

Contact your U.S. Senator today to VOTE NO on “Women’s Health Protection Act” (WHPA) H.R. 3755.
We CAN be the generation that ends abortion, but only if we speak tirelessly for those who do not yet have a voice.


The CTV Staff