Hi John,

Last week, after months of planning, sweat and tears, we were delighted to launch our new website. The site is packed full of new features to make the incredible range of content that HOPE not hate produces more accessible. It also aims to more comprehensively tell the HOPE not hate story and help supporters like you get more involved in our work. It looks pretty great too, even if I do say so myself!

But before you click away to check the new website out, I also have some less good news that I wanted to share with you. 

While we were launching the site we found out that HOPE not hate’s website is under attack from malicious bots which almost stopped our website from working altogether. The team working on our new website told us that this is a targeted and sustained attack and that "Hope Not Hate must have really p*ssed someone off". 

Over the coming days we will need to make some emergency upgrades to our website infrastructure to protect us from future attacks. Can you chip in to cover these costs and help protect all the important anti-fascist work on HOPE not hate’s website? 


We don’t know for sure who is behind these attacks. What we do know is that this is likely to continue to be an ongoing threat that we need to be ready for and protect ourselves against. 

We need £2,150 more than we expected and budgeted for. That's too big a gap to leave unfilled, but it's also possible for the HOPE not hate community to fill it if 109 people reading this email chip in with an average donation of £19.55.

These attacks on our website just go to show how powerful the HOPE not hate community is and how threatened the people we’re campaigning against feel.  

Your donation will help keep HOPE not hate’s website running which means: 

  • Journalists will be able to find the information they need to investigate and report on the far-right
  • Teachers will be able to sign up for a HOPE not hate speaker to come to their school and use our resources to ensure the next generation is part of our collective efforts to challenge hate and prejudice
  • People across the country will be able to find the resources they need to challenge hate where they live and help grow the HOPE not hate movement

Thank you for everything you do, 


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate

PS. If you can’t donate today, can you take a moment to check out our new website and share your favourite bits of content with friends and family instead?