CTV Alert
October 4, 2021
Stop the Redistricting Commission from Going Rogue
Dear Citizen Statesman,
In 2018, the people of Michigan voted for a constitutional amendment to create an independent redistricting commission to draw legislative maps to ensure that voters could choose their representatives in an environment that was not rigged in favor of any one party or class.

Now, several months into the work of the new “nonpartisan” Michigan Redistricting Commission, the results are appalling. The very commission created to end gerrymandering is making the problem egregiously worse, with a clear bias towards the political left.
Because the districts passed by the commission will have a 10-year lifespan, it is crucial that citizens like you speak up before it is too late. If you view the proposed maps (found here), you will notice several alarming patterns:
  • THE PROPOSAL: Urban areas with dense populations are being strategically divided and lumped together with surrounding rural areas and small towns with markedly different interests.
  • THE PROBLEM: Because of the high population density in the cities, outlying communities (which tend to be more conservative) will lose their voice. For example, rather than linking the cities of Lansing and East Lansing together, these municipalities are being spilt and joined in fractured districts with small towns like Bellevue, Olivet, Charlotte, and Fowlerville. Candidates will only need to garner support in large cities in order sweep the polls on election day.
  • THE PROPOSAL: Cities like Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo are being merged into a single district, while cities like Detroit are being merged into several districts. 
  • THE PROBLEM: Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo are 1 hour apart from each other and have distinctly different communities. They have never been put together in the same legislative districts. In contrast Southeast Michigan, which has a distinctly more progressive voting pattern, will be given multiple representatives, while West Michigan, which traditionally supports more family-friendly values, will only have one representative. 
  • THE PROPOSAL: Strangely shaped districts are being drawn over large geographic expanses that are culturally dissimilar and violate the commission's stated goal to keep districts compact.
  • THE PROBELEM: The City of Midland is being lumped into an oblong district that includes suburbs of Grand Rapids. The voices of these West Michigan communities will be drowned out by the special interests of a large city more than a hundred miles away. 
  • THE PROPOSAL: “Community of Interest” are being defined by the Commission based on progressive political goals and identity politics, rather than a true representation of the people who live together in actual community 
  • THE PROBLEM: Common Sense, geographic communities are being ignored and stripped of their representation. 


CTV staff led by President Eileen McNeil and Communications Director Katie Schmidt have been testifying and mobilizing other activists to advocate for common sense communities of interest based on shared places, shared culture, and shared economic interests. However, we need YOUR help to convince the Commission to reject the proposed maps.

1. SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENT: Drop the commission a note in the public portal letting them know you are opposed to the proposed maps and why. CLICK HERE to submit a written comment. 

2. SUBMIT DRAFTS OF MAPS: Submit your own US Congressional, Senate, State House District map that keeps counties whole. CLICK HERE to submit a map. 

3. ATTEND THE COMMISSION'S MEETINGS: The Commission is meeting every day and is continuing to draw map drafts. We need individuals to attend the meeting in person or virtually and speak at the beginning of each meeting during public comment. You must can choose a meeting HERE, and for those in the Lansing area, please note the meetings this week are at MSU. For Wednesday's hearing, requests to speak remotely must be submitted via signup form available at https://www.research.net/r/DXGXVZK

4. DONATE TO CTV: Help us continue this fight by partnering with us financially. Give securely HERE..
Please stand with CTV and share your testimony and maps with us! Email copies to [email protected].  

When giving written comment or speaking to the Commission, remember that this a not a Republican or Democrat battle, so please don't make it one. Avoid wearing any politically/slanted apparel or identifying your party if you are speaking in person. We need all Michiganders to see that we are advocating for policies that benefit everyone and that the policies that compel us to speak are pre-partisan.

As we link arms, we can inspire others and be a strong voice for the values that matter to us all.


The CTV Staff