We’re demanding that Senator Schumer act now to protect immigrants in the budget reconciliation package—we can’t wait any longer!
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Today, we are reminding Senator Schumer of his promises to immigrants and essential workers, by “occupying” his Brooklyn home. The NYIC, members and allies are camping outside his residence to remind him that we can’t get any sleep until we have a path to citizenship.
We’re closer than we’ve been to securing permanent protections for immigrants in the past 30 years—but we’re not there yet. As Senate Majority Leader, Senator Schumer has the power to ensure that a pathway to citizenship is included in the budget reconciliation package. Immigrants and their families aren’t safe until Senator Schumer takes action!
Join our call to Senator Schumer and Congress to ensure a pathway to citizenship is included in the budget reconciliation package. Immigrants aren’t politically dispensable—they are essential to our communities and country. Senator Schumer must deliver! Tell Senator Schumer to provide a path to citizenship! ([link removed])
A pathway to citizenship is critical for immigrants like Justino, who have been waiting for permanent protections for years. Justino is an essential worker on a dairy farm, providing New Yorkers with access to food throughout the pandemic. When he contracted the virus through his work, Justino was concerned for his children’s health, but was afraid to seek medical care without legal status. With a path to citizenship, immigrants like Justino would be protected from risking their health and safety while living with the insecurity of potentially being ripped from their families and communities.
Join us for arts events ([link removed]) and to Ride 4 Relief ([link removed]) in Brooklyn this week!
THURSDAY: Painting Our Way 2 Citizenship #NoSleepTilCitizenship ([link removed])
FRIDAY: Ride 4 Relief for #NoSleepTilCitizenship! ([link removed])
We will not let Senator Schumer leave behind his immigrant neighbors and constituents. Thank you for adding your voice—every call and email to Senator Schumer matters now, more than ever!
In solidarity,
Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director
Donate to Power Our Movement for Immigrants! ([link removed])
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New York Immigration Coalition . 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 . New York, NY 10001-2967 . USA