We're on a major campaign to get Congress to pass a carbon price in the budget bill
Dear John -
Our national effort to get a #PriceOnCarbon in the budget bill continues! We cannot slow--our efforts are so important. Sure enough, volunteers were on the mall this weekend getting people to contact Congress.
Keep up the momentum at our chapter meeting on Saturday.
Join Citizens' Climate Lobby DC Chapter as we multiply our efforts on climate change. We'll plan upcoming events and breakout into our chapter teams: Labor Outreach, Student Outreach, Congressional Advocacy, and Movement Building.
What: CCL DC Chapter Meeting When: Saturday, October 9, 11am-12:30pm ET
CCL's featured speaker for September's call will be Ray Ward, Utah State Representative.
Is carbon fee and dividend really the policy that can bridge the divide between Republicans and Democrats? On this month's call we'll talk to Dr. Ray Ward, a Republican state representative in Utah, about why he likes the policy. When he's not working in the legislature, Ward is a family physician in Bountiful, Utah. Earlier this year, he signed on to an op-ed in the Deseret News with two dozen other Utah Republicans endorsing carbon fee and dividend.
What: CCL October Speaker When: Saturday, October 11, 1:00-2:00pm ET
*Stay on the same line after the monthly meeting*
Volunteer opportunities:
Are you interested in getting more involved with media outreach? Talk to chapter leaders, and then check out this training for local media managers.
Remote opportunity: We are looking for someone detail oriented to train for these Mailchimp newsletters and/or for our Eventbrite events. Please reach out to chapter leaders if you're interested!
As always, watch our chapter calendar on our CCL Community page for volunteer opportunities at: http://bit.ly/ccldc-calendar
Help lobby for climate solutions:
Join our Monthly Calling Campaign to call your Representative once a month: http://cclcalls.org/