Take our two-minute survey→

John —

As we prepare for Election Day 2019 here at CT Dems HQ, our team is reflecting on the incredible legislative accomplishments we’ve made together this year.

Will you take our brief survey before October ends and answer a few questions about the legislation passed in Connecticut this year?

This year, Connecticut Democrats have used our hard-won majorities to move forward on an agenda that puts working families first.

From $15/hour minimum wage to paid family and medical leave, CT Dems passed legislation that will benefit hundreds of thousands of Connecticut residents for years to come.

Your support has fueled these successes, which is why we want to hear your thoughts. Answer our two-minute survey and we’ll see your response right away→

Answer Here

These accomplishments are a direct result of the organizing we did last year to elect a Democratic majority in both the state House and Senate and a Democratic governor.

We’re working hard to ensure that Democrats once again vote in record numbers on November 5th so we can continue getting things done for working families at every level of government — that’s why we want your feedback before October ends.

Take our survey now: http://action.ctdems.org/oct19-survey

Thank you,

Connecticut Democrats HQ