
Have you been seeing what’s coming from the Swamp? Along with the Democrats’ absurd spending, Biden’s mandates are demanding millions of Americans to get vaccinated or lose their jobs!

He promised Americans we wouldn't need to get vaccine passports to live our daily lives, but is now forcing every Federal employee, every employer with over 100 employees, and every federal contractor to have proof of vaccination or they will lose their jobs!
He is blaming the American people for his failure. Americans aren’t at fault, the Biden Administration has failed to hold China accountable in the first place! I will continue to do all I can to stop these mandates and ensure every American has the opportunity to work and provide for their families!
It’s time for the war on our rights, liberties, and personal medical decisions to end! I’m fighting to stop the Biden Administrations’ overreaching mandates, can I count on you to join the fight?

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne