We are going to fight, city by city, to make sure “one job is enough” and that workers share in the prosperity of this great state.



This summer, we launched the first Ground Game Texas program in Austin, and it has proven to be a great success. We’ve collected over 30,000 petition signatures and are well on our way to qualifying marijuana decriminalization for the next City ballot.

Along the way, we’ve learned so much about the best way to do this ground-breaking work. Now our job is to take up that learning and apply it to even more cities, and more policy areas, so we can continue to build a broad progressive movement in Texas from the ground up.

If you’re with us in this work, friend, please chip in a donation of any amount to help strengthen our collective efforts to continue this hard work. Any donation of any amount will help provide the resources and tools we need to keep growing our momentum all across Texas.

Contribute $5

Next up: We’re heading to the Rio Grande Valley to campaign for not just a minimum wage, but a living wage.

You may know that the minimum wage in Texas is $7.25 per hour, and hasn’t gone up since 2009. That’s not enough to live on — not even close.

As more resources come to Texas cities from the federal government through the American Relief Plan Act and the upcoming infrastructure bills, we want to make sure that workers are sharing in these new investments. In particular, Ground Game Texas wants to ensure that public employees — and contractors with public agencies — are paid a living wage.

In the days ahead, we’ll be announcing a new initiative in collaboration with a powerful grassroots organization in the Rio Grande Valley that is fighting for workers and their families. We are going to fight, city by city, to make sure “one job is enough” and that workers share in the prosperity of this great state.

Ground Game Texas knows that we have opportunities for major victories across the state, especially when we work in coalition with local organizers and fight on the issues that matter most to working Texas.

Let’s continue growing our progressive movement together, friend. Please chip in a donation of any amount to help provide the resources we need to continue striving for the change that Texas deserves.

Thank you for your support — and stay tuned for exciting announcements in the days ahead!

Mike Siegel
Political (and Legal) Director
Ground Game Texas