This is more important than partisan politics.

Poll for [email protected]:
Should Republicans work with Democrats to combat climate change?


Even if the countries participating in the Paris Climate Accords meet their carbon-reduction goals, climate change is still set to get worse in the next decade.

That’s the latest news from U.N. climate experts, John, and we all need to pay attention.

It’s clear: If we’re going to save our planet for future generations, we must take even more drastic measures — starting right now.

As governor, Roy has prioritized expanding clean energy power and transitioning to a clean energy economy. But if we’re going to go further, we need Republicans to work with us and commit to reducing North Carolina’s carbon footprint.

That’s why we need to get input from folks in Philadelphia. Do you believe that Republicans should join our administration and take action against climate change?


Thank you for sharing your thoughts,

Team Cooper