Action Alert

Is Speaker Phelan’s House Going to Block the Save Women’s Sports Bill Again?

Boys should not be allowed to play and take away spots from girls sports in Texas. No more games-it’s time to Save Women’s Sports. We have simple legislation to solve this growing problem. While the Texas Senate, led by Lt. Gov. Patrick, has passed common sense legislation several times that requires schools to follow a child’s birth certificate nearest to birth, Speaker Dade Phelan’s House has failed to get it done. Speaker Phelan has failed, three times, to deliver on passing Gov. Abbott’s priority item that has been on the special session list of bills to pass, three straight times. You’ll recall Texas Values Action was concerned about Speaker Phelan’s support for SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identify) policies in 2019. 

This summer, House Speaker Phelan watched as Democrat members of the legislature fled to Washington, D.C. during the first special session without any consequences, such as removing Democrats from being chairman for a committee. Texas girls suffered because a Democratic chairman, Harold Dutton, blocked the Save Women’s Sports bill from moving out of his committee after it was clear the majority of House members were ready to support the bill on the House floor. Speaker Phelan is the one who decides which committee a bill is assigned to in the House.  

Stop playing games! Protect Texas girls’ sports. Is Speaker Phelan trying to embarrass Gov. Abbott when the Governor has put the Save Women’s Sports issue on the call for multiple, consecutive sessions or; is Speaker Phelan okay with boys playing in girls sports? Don’t let Texas girls suffer, tell Speaker Phelan to let the Save Women’s Sports bill pass. 

We need Texans  to rise to the occasion and let your voice be heard! House Bill 25 is likely the last chance this session to protect women and girls in athletics. A hearing is scheduled for TOMORROW at 11am in the Constitutional Rights & Remedies Committee.

We need you to show up tomorrow to testify at the hearing for the Save Women’s Sports bill! We also need you to call and email Speaker Phelan's office, and members of the Constitutional Rights & Remedies Committee. 

Speaker Dade Phelan Office: (512) 463-1100

Constitutional Rights & Remedies Committee members:

Chair Trent Ashby - (512) 463-0508
Vice Chair Senfronia Thompson - (512) 463-0720
Rep. John Bucy - (512) 463-0696
Rep. Travis Clardy - (512) 463-0592
Rep. Charlie Geren - (512) 463-0610
Rep. Jacey Jetton - (512) 463-0710
Rep. Ann Johnson - (512) 463-0389
Rep. Stephanie Klick - (512) 463-0599
Rep. Brooks Landgraf - (512) 463-0546
Rep. Oscar Longoria - (512) 463-0645
Rep. Joe Moody - (512) 463-0728
Rep. Victoria Neave - (512) 463-0244
Rep. Matt Shaheen - (512) 463-0594
Rep. James White - (512) 463-0490


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


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