John - 

In this issue of Faith Meets Justice, read about the Ignite program, a project of the Jesuits West CORE (Collaborative Organizing for Racial Equity) designed to train and empower high school students as leaders in community organizing, plus Bee at Peace, a new initiative designed to make Ignatian spirituality more accessible to women of color. 

AND, don't miss your chance to join us for the 2021 Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice! Registration is still open for the virtual Teach-In on Saturday, October 16 and the in-person conference in Washington, D.C., from November 6-8. Learn more and register today! 


Christopher G. Kerr
Executive Director

News from the Network

Jesuits West CORE Ignite: Training Youth Leaders as Community Organizers

The Jesuits West CORE's Ignite program, held during the summers of 2020 and 2021, is designed to train and empower a diverse cohort of high school students in community organizing leadership. En Español

News from the Network
“Bee at Peace”: Women of Color Journey Toward Peace,
Stillness, & Connection

Bee at Peace is an initiative designed to make Ignatian spirituality more accessible to women of color, and build support and community. 

Voices for Justice
A User’s Guide to Catholic Social Teaching: Author Q&A

ISN recently spoke with Fr. William O'Neill, S.J., author of a new book, Catholic Social Teaching: A User's Guide, which began as an introduction to the Catholic Church’s social teaching for the Jesuit Refugee Service.

Rise Up
Kinship with Creation in a Time of Unraveling

Kinship in this era of loss and unraveling requires prophetic clamoring for large-scale societal transformations that preserve an inhabitable planet.

Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice

October and November 2021
Don't miss your chance! Join us at home or in Washington, D.C. this fall and hear from amazing speakers—including Fr. Greg Boyle, Keya Chatterjee, and Fr. Bryan Massingale! Learn more. 

A Parish Journey for Racial Justice

Wednesday, October 27
Join ISN for the the next session of A Parish Journey for Racial Justice & Equity, titled Let's Talk About Social Sin. You'll hear from speaker Tom Ulrich, author of On Earth as it is in Heaven. Learn more. 
Renewing the Earth: Living Laudato Si' in the Year of Ignatius
You are invited to join a journey of discernment with other individuals and communities to bring the Laudato Si' Action Platform to life, with Ignatian spirituality as a guide. Join as an individual, an organization, a parish, a school, a classroom, or an environmental club! Learn more. 
Nominate an Emerging
Leader for Justice
Do you know a 23-33 year old who has an undergrad degree from a Jesuit college or university and is doing amazing work for justice? Nominate them for ISN's Moira O'Donnell Emerging Leaders Award! Learn more. 

Create Climate Solutions to Care for Present and Future Generations

A faith-filled appeal to President Biden and the U.S. Congress, to work beyond partisanship and create climate solutions to care for present and future generations and our common home. Take Action

Protect Asylum Seekers: End Title 42

As Catholics, we are called to love our neighbor, accompany the vulnerable, and welcome the sojourner. Urge the Biden Administration to end Title 42 and restore asylum protections. Take Action

Dignity and Respect for Immigrant Members of our Communities

Tell your Senators that creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, DACA recipients, and TPS holders will ensure they are treated with dignity and respect. Take Action



Network, educate, and form advocates
for social justice animated by the
spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola
and the witness of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador
and their companions.

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