At midnight on October 5, 1,400 of our BCTGM Brothers and Sisters in Battle Creek, Mich. (Local 3G), Omaha, Neb. (Local 50G), Lancaster, Pa. (Local 374G) and Memphis, Tenn. (Local 252G) went on strike against the Kellogg Company.
Join BCTGM members on strike on the picket line by clicking the location above to RSVP and sign this pledge of support.
For more than a year throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Kellogg workers around the country have been working long, hard hours, day in and day out, to produce Kellogg ready-to-eat cereals for American families.
Kellogg’s response to these loyal, hardworking employees has been to demand these workers give up quality health care, retirement benefits, and holiday and vacation pay. The company continues to threaten to send additional jobs to Mexico if workers do not accept outrageous proposals that take away protections that workers have had for decades.
Kellogg is making these demands as they rake in record profits, without regard for the well-being of the hardworking men and women who make the products that have created the company’s massive profits.
We are proud of our Kellogg members for taking a strong stand against this company’s greed and we will support them for as long as it takes to force Kellogg to negotiate a fair contract that rewards them for their hard work and dedication and protects the future of all Kellogg workers.
Please show up to a strike line and stand in solidarity with the hardworking men and women of Kellogg! I am so proud of the courage and dedication of each and every worker out there fighting for what is fair!
In solidarity,
Anthony Shelton
BCTGM International President