Dear Patriot, Like a dam about to break loose, cracks are starting to appear everywhere.The political establishment’s push to use their one-party rule to bury us under a mountain of new tyrannical laws has been stalling left and right . . . but they’re not done with us yet! So far, much of the “Biden Agenda” has been a big failure to launch. Passage of two massively expensive spending bills totaling nearly $5 Trillion was almost a foregone conclusion. But thanks to your pushback, even the support for these spending bills is falling apart. Patriot, the biggest mistake we make is letting up when we’ve got the political class on the run. So what do you say we keep pressing them until they completely abandon these unpopular and disastrous spending bills? So many of you have called multiple times and it’s working, so today I am urging you to call them AGAIN while they’re still on their heels. Call your U.S. Representative at 202-224-3121 at once and DEMAND they vote no on BOTH the $1.2 Trillion “Traditional” Infrastructure AND the $3.5 Trillion “Human” Infrastructure boondoggles. Let them know you are watching their every move. Once you’ve called the switchboard, give their district office a call, by using this link to look it up. You may need to click on the link to go to their official website to get the home district office number, but it’s important! Then, please dig deep and chip in $25, $50, or $75 to super-charge Campaign for Liberty’s aggressive opposition to this runaway spending blitz by the D.C. Elite. Do not get lulled to sleep by their recent failures -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants nothing more than to ram through more bloated and disastrous multi-Trillion dollar spending packages… … but she says she doesn’t want to “talk about numbers and dollars!” Of course she doesn’t. The more Pelosi talks numbers, the more average Americans start to think about how they’ll only suffer the pain of MORE INFLATION, HIGHER PRICES, and MORE TAXES . . . and not see any real benefit. A double-speaking Pelosi told George Stephanopolous last week that despite all the evidence to the contrary, somehow these spending bills are justifiable: "This will be paid for, so when some say, oh well, what about inflation? It will be paid for, and that’s the beauty of it, by having
those in our economy and society who have not paid their fair share, paying their fair share," Pelosi responded. "So, again, the Senate and the House, those who are not in full agreement with the president, right, let's see what our values — let's not talk about numbers and dollars. Let's talk about ‘values,’" she continued. All you have to do is read between the lines and it’s obvious none of these budget- busting proposals will be “paid for” by the political class, or even the wealthiest Americans. It will be paid for by YOU and me. And think about what Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki said about paying for these enormous bills. Psaki said the bill would “cost zero dollars” because tax increases would offset the spending. She was informed businesses paying more taxes would simply pass along their extra tax burden to American households by raising their prices. Psaki said the White House believes this is “unfair and absurd.” But it’s also the truth and basic economics. So we are dealing with people living in a fantasy world. But just because they’ve stalled temporarily, doesn’t mean they’re retreating yet! Patriot, they’re nothing if not predictable and it’s easy to see that if they get the $1.2 Trillion rammed through, the larger $3.5 Trillion spending package comes right up next. The historically bloated $3.5 Trillion “Human Infrastructure” bill is packed full of elements of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) Green New Deal and Klaus Schwab’s dystopian “Great Reset.” One provision in the “traditional” infrastructure bill, which is part of the “Build Back Better” propaganda, turns your car into a cash cow for THEM! That’s right -- the $1.2 Trillion bill contains an unprecedented tax per mile, whether you are traveling to work, school, church, shopping, or anywhere else. This tax is estimated to be $.08 per mile, which adds more than $1,000 in taxes per vehicle on average based on the FWHA’s annual mileage estimate. So in addition to the sales tax you paid on your car . . . the annual personal property tax many people pay each year . . . the gas tax you pay every time you fill up your car . . . now they want to tax you even more. This is all shaping up to cost us a FORTUNE. This entire scenario is a disaster in the making and will take a really bad situation with sky-rocketing prices and make it many times worse. Infighting in the progressive wing of the Democrat caucus is playing in our favor right now, so it’s time to strike while the iron is hot! Call your U.S. Representative AGAIN at 202-224-3121 at once and DEMAND they vote no on BOTH the $1.2 Trillion “Traditional” Infrastructure AND the $3.5 Trillion “Human” Infrastructure boondoggles. Then take the extra step to call them in their home district office by using this link to look it up. (And you may need to click on the link to their official site to get the correct number.) Then, please dig deep and chip in $25, $50, or $75 to super-charge Campaign for Liberty’s aggressive opposition to this runaway spending blitz by the D.C. Elite. These tax-and-spending packages are just another sucker punch to Americans who are still weary from draconian lockdowns and medical mandates. The so-called “human infrastructure” bill is nothing but D.C. spin for their extremely unpopular programs that couldn’t pass under regular order. >>This bill will make a massive down payment on “Green New
Deal” provisions that are part of Biden’s “Build Back Better/Great Reset” scheme; >>Will massively expand Medicare and Medicaid; >>Will provide for universal prekindergarten, subsidized child care, national paid family leave, and extended child tax credits; >>Will massively increase taxes on small corporations and doubles the capital gains tax; >>And so much more. It's no secret that these bills have temporarily stalled, but they can be brought back at any moment with any excuse. Let’s not give them an inch! Call your U.S. Representative at 202-224-3121 at once and DEMAND they vote no on BOTH the $1.2 Trillion “Traditional” Infrastructure AND the $3.5 Trillion “Human” Infrastructure boondoggles. ![]() Thank you for your commitment to this very important effort. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director P.S. The political class has already spent multiple $Trillions of our money after shutting the economy down. Now they’ll stop at nothing to keep their endless scam going. Please call your U.S. Representative at once. Tell them to vote NO on both infrastructure boondoggles. House Switchboard -- (202) 224-3121 ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |