As we approach the end of the 18 months of mortgage forbearance periods allowed by the CARES Act, the number of borrowers in forbearance has decreased though 1.6 million homeowners remain in mortgage distress. However, this is only one way homeowners face housing distress and may not capture those who are facing other financial stressors, making difficult sacrifices, or increasing other types of debt to make their mortgage payments. The Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey data collected from August 18-30, 2021 reported that of the more than one million respondents who were eight months or more behind on their payments 180,000 (18 percent) thought it very likely and 275,000 (27.5 percent) thought it somewhat likely they would need to leave their home due to foreclosure in the next two months.
While this data is not frequently reported by race or income level, we know that low-income Black and POC households are expressing the most insecurity around being able to make their mortgage payments and stay in their homes. We also know that historic practices of redlining and appraisal bias have fueled housing disparities and distress in Black and POC communities for generations. So with the compounding effects of COVID 19 and its disproportionate impact on Black and POC communities Grounded Solutions Network has been exploring an array of intervention options to help stabilize households most impacted by COVID 19.
As we explore shared equity intervention strategies, we want to learn from you. Please take a few minutes to complete a short survey so we may gain insights into the causes of BIPOC homeowner distress in your communities.