The choice couldn’t be more clear.

Tim Alexander For Congress


FLASH POLL FOR [email protected]: Who do you want to represent NJ-02 in Congress?

Cast your vote now!

John, this poll is crucial for us.

We’re nearly one year away from Election Day in NJ-02, but Tim wants to know where you stand TODAY. So we’re conducting a Team Alexander Mock Election Poll to determine whether or not we’re on the right track to defeat Jeff Van Drew.

The most recent outside poll shows Tim tied with Van Drew — 47 to 47 percent.

But that’s not strong enough. Tim needs every ounce of support he can get from now through next year if we want to send Van Drew packing. We’re hoping to show Tim that we have numbers on our side this early in the campaign. So we want to know right now:

FLASH POLL FOR [email protected]: Who do you want to represent NJ-02 in Congress?

Tim Alexander Jeff Van Drew

Thanks for your response,

Team Alexander



Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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