OCTOBER 5, 2021
Explosive new video emerges about the vaccines and natural immunity. In this episode I address the scandal. I also address the Biden administration’s latest scheme to engage in mass financial surveillance.
DOJ to Investigate Parents Being Mean to Liberal School Boards
Just days ago, the National School Boards Association sent a widely mocked letter to Joe Biden calling for the Patriot Act to be enforced against those parents who they apparently classify as terrorists. “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under immediate threat,” they write in the letter.
Fauci Flip-Flops on Christmas Gatherings After One Day
No one exactly knows what “the science” even means anymore, but whatever it is, it seems to track more with public opinion polling than anything being studied in a lab.
Study: The Worst Run States Are Run by Democrats
In the least surprising news of the day, a review of the states in the best and worst financial condition reveals that seven of the ten in the worst condition are run by Democrats.
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