John, I'm frustrated. Are you? Joe Biden promised to restore bipartisan cooperation in Congress. He did not.
He said he would bring competency back to the governing process. He did not.
As president, he promised to Build Back Better. We're crumbling.
Why has President Biden abandoned his pledge and duty to the American people? We are demanding answers.
With your help and AAU's quick action, we pushed forward and helped get America's infrastructure bill though the Senate on a bipartisan majority of 69 votes, a gigantic feat in today's hyper-partisan atmosphere.
I am asking for your help, once again to turn up the heat on Washington, D.C. Your voice is louder than their rhetoric. Rather than seizing the momentum we handed him on a silver platter, Joe Biden chose to lean into his worst partisan instincts.
Allowing the worst extremists to hijack his agenda, Biden kowtowed to AOC and the Squad's every demand, stalling the process for the irresponsible $3.5 trillion progressive ransom in exchange for their votes.
This is what failed leadership looks like. Our team is redoubling our efforts to reach voters across the country and let them know Congress has failed them and that it's time to fight for something better.
Can I count on you to rush your support to our AAU headquarters right away?
Washington has no idea how to lead. But we do. And with your help, we will bring Americans together to advance common sense solutions and to get our nation back on the right track.
Thank you,
Governor Larry Hogan